Arundel Community Development Services, Inc. is a unique nonprofit organization committed to creating affordable housing opportunities and improving the lives of low income individuals through community development. ACDS directly implements several homeownership and rental programs and acts as a developer, funding administrator, and project manager for a variety of affordable housing and community development initiatives alongside our many partners.
Our Mission
Our mission is to:
- revitalize declining neighborhoods through the targeting of joint public and private investment;
- preserve and increase the supply of affordable rental housing through new development and redevelopment of existing units; promote healthy homeownership through financial support, homebuyer education and the rehabilitation and construction of affordable units;
- ensure affordable housing for those with special needs, including the homeless, the elderly, and the physically and mentally challenged; and
- enhance the quality of life in low-income communities by supporting neighborhood revitalization activities and services for low-income children, youth, and families.
Chartered by Anne Arundel County in 1993 to manage and carry out the County’s federal housing and community development programs, ACDS provides a variety of direct assistance, including homeownership counseling, foreclosure prevention counseling, downpayment and closing cost assistance, accessibility modifications, property rehabilitation and affordable rental units to County residents.
ACDS is also an experienced steward of public funds with a proven track record adhering to federal regulations and financial management standards for programs such as CDBG, HOME, ESG, Continuum of Care and HOPWA. We manage a portfolio of grants and loans to a variety of community nonprofit organizations, group home providers, homeless agencies and low-income housing developers.
As a private nonprofit organization, ACDS successfully applies for a variety of federal, State and local funds. We have been able to expand our scope of services while keeping a relatively trim staff and low overhead cost. According to our most recent audit, ACDS expenditures on administration activities totaled just 13% of our total budget, compared to the industry average of 20%.
Governed by a 13 member Board of Directors and led by a Chief Executive Officer with over 15 years in the housing and community development field, ACDS employs full-time professionals who work together to implement the mission of the Corporation.