
Help is available for eligible Anne Arundel County residents at risk of imminent eviction or foreclosure: Eviction Prevention Program and Foreclosure Prevention Counseling.


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Grant Application Opens: Community Support Grants

Grants for nonprofit organizations to increase their impact and operate more efficiently and effectively to improve and enrich the lives of Anne Arundel County residents and communities. Application Training: Friday, January 10, 2025 at 2:00pm Please email Elisha Harig-Blaine at to RSVP and receive a Zoom link. Application Deadline: Friday, February 21, 2025

Public Hearing: 5-Year ConPlan & FY2026 Budget Process

Anne Arudel County Deparment of Aging Indepedence Room 2664 Riva Road, Annapolis, Maryland

At this hearing, ACDS will present on housing and community development needs, general demographic trends, and a summary of focus group findings. Additionally, ACDS will review and discuss the proposed geographic priorities, guiding principles, as well as the proposed goals and strategies.  The public will be given an opportunity to prioritize needs, review and discuss […]

Homeownership Counseling Program Introduction Class

THIS CLASS IS FULL The Homeownership Counseling Program classes are by invitation only. THOSE WHO DO NOT APPLY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE. To apply for the next available class please click here and this link will direct you to the Homeownership Counseling Application. To learn more about our Homeownership Counseling program please click here. The Introduction […]

CoC Homeless Coalition – General Body Meeting

The Anne Arundel and Annapolis Coalition to End Homelessness (the Coalition) is the convening and planning body for Anne Arundel County and the City of Annapolis tasked with promoting community-wide commitment to ending homelessness, creation of and access to mainstream programs by people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness, and optimizing self-sufficiency within our community. This […]

Homeownership Counseling Program Introduction Class

THIS CLASS IS FULL The Homeownership Counseling Program classes are by invitation only. THOSE WHO DO NOT APPLY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE. To apply for the next available class please click here and this link will direct you to the Homeownership Counseling Application. To learn more about our Homeownership Counseling program please click here. The Introduction […]

Homeownership Counseling Workshop Part I


The Homeownership Counseling Program classes are by invitation only. THOSE WHO DO NOT APPLY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE. To being the programs please click here and this link will direct you to the Homeownership Counseling Application. To learn more about our Homeownership Counseling program please click here.

Homeownership Counseling Workshop Part II


The Homeownership Counseling Program classes are by invitation only. THOSE WHO DO NOT APPLY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE. To being the programs please click here and this link will direct you to the Homeownership Counseling Application. To learn more about our Homeownership Counseling program please click here.

Public Hearing: 5-Year ConPlan & FY2026 Budget Process

Anne Arudel County Deparment of Aging Indepedence Room 2664 Riva Road, Annapolis, Maryland

This public hearing will solicit feedback from the public on the final Consolidated Plan goals and strategies, as well as on the Local Fiscal Year 2026 budget priorities. Please click here for Zoom Link. Please RSVP to Elisha Harig-Blaine at

Homeownership Counseling Introduction Class


THIS CLASS IS FULL The Homeownership Counseling Program classes are by invitation only. THOSE WHO DO NOT APPLY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE. To apply for the next available class please click here and this link will direct you to the Homeownership Counseling Application. To learn more about our Homeownership Counseling program please click here. The Introduction […]

CoC Homeless Coalition – Board Meeting

The Anne Arundel and Annapolis Coalition to End Homelessness (the Coalition) is the convening and planning body for Anne Arundel County and the City of Annapolis tasked with promoting community-wide commitment to ending homelessness, creation of and access to mainstream programs by people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness, and optimizing self-sufficiency within our community. This […]

Arundel Community Development Services, Inc. 2666 Riva Road, Suite 210 Annapolis, Maryland 21401410.222.7600 Get in touch with us