Help is available for eligible Anne Arundel County residents at risk of imminent eviction or foreclosure: Eviction Prevention Program and Foreclosure Prevention Counseling.
Grants for nonprofit organizations to increase their impact and operate more efficiently and effectively to improve and enrich the lives of Anne Arundel County residents and communities. Application Training: Friday, January 10, 2025 at 2:00pm Please email Elisha Harig-Blaine at to RSVP and receive a Zoom link. Application Deadline: Friday, February 21, 2025
At this hearing, ACDS will present on housing and community development needs, general demographic trends, and a summary of focus group findings. Additionally, ACDS will review and discuss the proposed geographic priorities, guiding principles, as well as the proposed goals and strategies. The public will be given an opportunity to prioritize needs, review and discuss […]