ACDS, on behalf of Anne Arundel County and the Local Development Council (LDC), administers local impact grants to support nonprofit organizations carrying out important human service programs, beautification and revitalization projects and educational initiatives in close proximity to Live! Casino.
Annapolis Maritime Museum was awarded $13,072.00 in FY19 LDC grant funds for their Oyster Education Program. The Museum’s Oyster Education Program served the entire 6th grade class at Meade Middle School (approximately 270 students), exposing students to classroom instruction relating to the history and biology of oysters in the Chesapeake Bay area, and a field trip experience to an oyster sanctuary in Annapolis. This program is addressing the LDC’s strategy to enhance educational outcomes for students attending schools located within the Meade cluster through hands on, experiential learning and exposure to the Chesapeake Bay.
A 6th grade teacher at Meade Middle School said of the program, “Because of the OEP my students become more familiar with the ecology of the bay. They are able to have hands on experiences in using real scientific instruments, and in interacting with organisms of the bay. The recall of knowledge and care for the environment is significantly increased through their exposure to the program at the Maritime Museum. I have had students go on to create oyster habitats in their local creeks, teaching their families of the importance of conservation, and inquire more about programs after school that helps them stay involved.”
To learn more about Annapolis Maritime Museum’s programs, please visit their website at or contact Sarah Krizek at